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Hockey Plus


Perfect for the experienced skater who is looking to start hockey or if they are currently in house league and looking to improve on their skills. This is a full-ice hockey session.  Players will be divided into different groups on ice based on skill level.  This ensures each player recieves the right level of training.  Hockey skills, power skating and battles will be covered during the session.

Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Skating Skills 2 or hockey skills. Skaters must be able to skate confidently with hockey gear stop and march backwards.

Equipment requirements for participants:
single blade hockey skates that tie up (please no plastic skates)
- Hockey jersey (can be purchased through Inside Edge)
- CSA approved hockey helmet with full cage
- hockey pants
- hockey gloves
- shin pads
- elbow pads
- neck guard
- hockey stick
- hockey socks 
- jersey
- water bottle
- shoulders pads 
- jock or jill
- bicycle and ski helmets are NOT permitted

Inside Edge Jersey sizes: (Optional purchase at checkout)



36 38 40 42 44
CB LENGTH 23 24 25 26 28
ARM HOLE 11 11 11.5 12 12.5
SLEEVE LENGTH 25 26 27 28 30

SPRING 2025 Schedule / Times

Hockey Plus Start Date End Date
Wednesdays: *NEW* 4:15, 5:15pm Wednesday, May 7th/25 Wednesday, June 25th/25

Program Details

Class Duration: 50 minutes (8 WEEKS)
Student/Instructor ratio: 8:1
Ages: 7-12 years
Fee: $255 (HST included)

*Ages are suggested on average performance. Skaters may be moved to a different class b
ased on skill level.
*Fees listed are for the duration of the session. Late registrations will be pro-rated based on start date.

Exemption Dates: